Welcome to Salem Lutheran Church
Discipling the Barron area with Word and Sacrament ministry.
The Mission of Salem Lutheran Church is to be what God called us to be through faith in Jesus Christ: A body of believers engaged in building the Kingdom of God by discipling the Barron area with His Word and Sacrament ministry.
Updated News
For more information you can go to our Salem Childcare website
Lawn Mowing schedule is out. Please
Check out the site. Thank you for volunteering to mow! https://www.signupgenius.com/index.cfm?go=c.myaccount#/
September 30th 4-7pm Pancake Supper!!!
All Services are live-stream on Facebook live and on our call-in line.
Childcare hours are from 6 am to 6 PM Monday-Friday
Office Hours
Worship Times
Come Visit us in the Office!
Monday - Wednesday: 9 am - noon
Sundays at 9:00 AM
Bible Study and Sunday School at 10:15 AM
Midweek Advent and Lent Services: 12:00 PM and 6:30 PM
If you are unable to join us in worship, you can call-in and hear our worship live: