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Our Family of Faith
Who We Are
Salem Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. We are a congregation that truly knows what it is to be family. We seek to serve God by serving our neighbor together.
As a member congregation of the LCMS, we hold to these beliefs:
Grace Alone: We believe and teach that we are saved by Grace Alone. What does this mean? This means that we are saved not on our own merits or works, but only on the work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was sent to this earth because God first loved us and showed us his mercy. He sent His Son Jesus to earth for the purpose of dying on the cross and rising to new life on the first Easter Sunday. Other Christian bodies teach that they are saved on account of their own good works, where they have to earn their way into heaven. Contrary to that we believe that because God loves us, He sent His Son to take all of our sins to the cross and suffer so that we don't have too. Our Grace is a free gift from God. What Amazing Grace God blesses us with!!
Faith Alone: We believe, teach, and confess that we receive the free gifts from God, namely forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation by having knowledge, believing, and trusting in the promises that God has given to us through His Son Jesus Christ. While God's grace gives us the gifts, we receive them through faith, by believing and trusting in his His promises. Faith does not earn his benefits, but receives them humbly and thankfully. See Ephesians 2:8-9.
Scripture Alone: All Christians believe that the Bible is a primary source of authority. However, we believe, teach, and confess that it is the only source of authority. Everything we believe, teach, and confess is founded in God's Holy Word, that is in the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible is inspired by God himself. Athough it was written by the hands of men, it is without error since it is breathed out by God. See 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Lutherans also adhere to the Book of Concord. The documents included in this book were written during the Reformation and we believe that they are not Scripture, but we do believe that these documents are derived from the authority of Scripture.
Other Beliefs
Baptism: We believe and practice infant baptism. We also believe that "Baptism is not just plain water, but it is the water included in God's command and combined with God's Word." Since we practice infant baptism, we believe that infants are born into sin and baptism washes our sins away. The sin that we inherited from Adam.
The Lord's Supper: The Lord's Supper is truly the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ in, with, and under the bread and wine and instituted by Christ for us to eat and drink. As members of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod we practice close communion, since when we come to the Lord's Table it is a confession of faith as well. We come together as members of the family God that are united in faith and practice. If however, you come to worship and our a guest and not a member of a church that is in fellowship with the Missouri Synod, we would ask that please speak to the pastor before communing at our table.
For more information about what the LC--MS believes please click here